Aide-mémoire to the Military Sciences: Framed from Contributions of Officers of the Different Services, Volume 2J. Weale, 1860 |
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Common terms and phrases
acid altitude angle artillery attack axis barometer bastion battery beds besieger carboniferous centre charge clay column command construction copper counterguard counterscarp covered crater defence deposits diameter direction distance ditch earth effect elevation employed epoch equal escarp explosion feet fire flank force formation Fortification front gabion gallery glacis gneiss ground gun cotton gunpowder heat height High Holborn Holborn horizontal horse howitzer inches instrument interior iron John Weale length lime limestone line of least loopholes Lowry magnetic Magnetometer masonry means meridian metal mineral mines mould mould box necessary nitric acid observations observatory obtained oolitic Ordnance parapet passing placed Plate porphyry portion position powder produced pyroxyle quantity ravelin rear redoubt revetment rocks saltpetre sand sandstone schists screw shaft shells side Silurian slope stone strata sufficient sulphuric surface temperature terreplein thickness tion troops trunnions vertical wall wheel whilst wire yards
Popular passages
Page 309 - Go to, let us build us a city and a tower, whose top may reach unto heaven ; and let us make us a name, lest we be scattered abroad upon the face of the whole earth.
Page 534 - It is a well known fact that when two magnets are brought near together, their unlike poles ; *'. e., the north pole of one and the south pole of the other...
Page 261 - CALORIC is that which is insensible to the touch, or incapable of being detected by the thermometer. The quantity of heat necessary to enable ice to assume the fluid state is equal to that which would raise the temperature of the same weight of water 140° ; and an equal quantity of heat is set free from wat« when it assumes the solid form.
Page 302 - ... delay which would be equally disadvantageous to them and their employer. When the earth has been soaked by rain, instead of suffering compression, it becomes mud in the mould ; even though it be but a little too moist, it cannot be worked ; it swells under the blows of the rammer, and a stroke in one place makes it rise in another. When this is the case, it is better to stop the work, for the men find so much difficulty that it is not worth while to proceed. But there is not the same necessity...
Page 261 - SENSIBLE CALORIC is free and uncombined, passing from one substance to another, affecting the senses in its passage, determining the height of the thermometer, and giving rise to all the results which are attributed to this active principle. To reduce the Degrees of a Fahrenheit Thermometer to those of Reaumur and the Centigrade.
Page 202 - I now publish it for the general good of the public. In the preparation of the exploding cotton, common, well-cleaned cotton is dipped for about half a minute in highly concentrated nitric acid, (the acid which I use being made by the distillation of ten parts of dried saltpetre and six of oil of vitriol,) and then instantly placed in water, which must be often renewed, in order to free the cotton from the acid with which it is impregnated. Care must...
Page 317 - FRS, of the Navy, who took out a patent for it in 1837. It consists in immersing the various substances above enumerated, in a solution of chloride of zinc and water in a wooden tank,* in the proportion of 1 Ib. of chloride of zinc to 4 gallons of water for wood, and 1 Ib. of the chloride to 5 gallons of water for the remainder of the articles, with the exception of felt, which requires I Ib.
Page 168 - ... partially saline or brackish water. It abounds in many places with freshwater shells, and indeed presents the true and persistent characters of a deposit in an inland sea, and contains no vestiges of corals or other marine bodies. It was observed to be in some places between 200 and 300 feet thick, and at elevations of 700 feet above the present level of the Caspian. It possesses an uniformity of character which separates it from any tertiary deposit of Western Europe. You are aware that Mr....
Page 259 - Alcohol (pure) . . -232 RADIATION OF CALORIC. When heated bodies are exposed to the air, they lose portions of their heat, by projection in right lines into space, from all parts of their surface. Bodies which radiate heat best, absorb it best. Radiation is affected by the nature of the surface of the body; thus black and rough surfaces radiate and absorb more heat than light and polished surfaces. Table of the radiating power of different bodies. Water ... 100 Lamp-black . . 100 Writing-paper ....
Page 499 - ... whence it becomes necessary, when the angle to be taken is quite unknown, to observe forwards first, where the whole range is without interruption; whereas, in that backwards, you will lose sight of the reflected image about that angle. But in such distances, where the sun is out of the question, and when his altitude is taken with an artificial horizon, (the shade being applied to the end of the telescope) that angle may be measured nearly as well as any other; for the rays incident on the index-glass...